In the last eight weeks, three of my top four clients abruptly cancelled their contracts. Mom always spoke of “finding the arrows” to your life’s path; the arrows that appeared this summer clearly illuminated one choice—time to move on.
As I shut down association management operations, I will find new solutions for the five remaining clients. Fortunately, my four-year employee Melodie expressed a great desire to take over the contracts, and I have strongly encouraged my clients to continue working with her.
I greatly anticipate my September visit to see sisters and nephews without worrying about needy boards of directors, whiny members, or calls from “Chatty Cathy” prospects.
So….what’s next for Laura? I don’t really know, but I plan to enjoy finding out.
For now, I will take some time off and figure out where my path leads. I know for sure that I must find something. I just don’t know yet what that “something” is. I feel like I’ve bought a coloring book and need to find my crayons to start filling in the pictures.
I have two book projects in the works (a historical fiction novel and a secret!), and I will devote a lot of energy to my two blogs, Alamo A La Carte and Mighty Marine Mom. While fulfilling, I need a goose that lays at least a small golden egg.
I covet your thoughts and ideas as I find my crayons. Maybe “the next thing” hasn’t even crossed my mind.
Many, many thanks go to my wonderful and supportive friends, not one of which has said, “What?? Are you crazy??” I deeply appreciate the rock of support and encouragement from my family (sisters, nephews, and in-laws). I find constant inspiration in our son Sean, who has excelled at US Marine Corps boot camp and plans to serve his country. Once he recovers from his initial shock at my decision (I won’t tell him until we see him next week), he too will give me lots of hugs and support.
Most of all, thanks and love to my amazing husband of 28+ years, Bruce. When I lost the three clients, I faced the daunting task of finding others to replace them. But that felt like a zombie had passed by and stolen my soul. I worried about telling Bruce; I needn’t have. He has been loving, supportive, and completely understanding. I love you very much…..even when you miss your aim at the bowl and blop chocolate mousse on my shoe.
Sometimes the best journeys don’t involve a map. Stay tuned!
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