Saturday, June 25, 2011

CIA Bakery Cafe and the Pearl Farmers Market

I planned to start this post with "San Antonio's best-kept secret," but now that the SA Express-News (@mysa) has chosen them as the 2011 Critic's Choice Best Bakery, it's not so secret anymore.

The CIA Bakery Cafe (@CIABakeryCafe) occupies a corner of the SA campus of the celebrated Culinary Institute of America at the Pearl Brewery. It started quietly, but they're beginning to attract a crowd.

Every inch of their small space counts. They serve fresh breads (slicing available) cookies, pastries, and almost-too-pretty-to-eat desserts (pictured). Not to mention delicious coffee, aguas frescas, and a daily lunch (starting at 11:00 am). I have been fortunate to visit France many times, and the CIA's croissants would fit in perfectly at any Parisian bistro—light, flaky, and buttery. And that is not easy to accomplish.

If you visit during the week, it's a meal and a show. A large picture-window overlooks the culinary training kitchen, which this particular amateur chef covets greatly.

My only wee small criticism: they could do with a cute sign above their door. The only reason you'll know they're there is either the line out the door or the many people occupying the outside tables.

They're open Tues-Sat 7:00 am-5:00 pm; they open on Sunday at 8:00 am. They've recently started "late hours" on Fridays and Saturdays, staying open until 8:00 pm.

The Pearl Farmer's Market (open Wednesdays 4:00-7:00 pm and Saturdays 9:00 am-noon) continues to impress. Two pieces of advice:

  • From May through September, get there before 10:00 am. Not only will you have the best pick of items, you'll be done by the time the heat/humidity starts.

  • Same time period: bring a cooler, especially if you plan another errand or two afterwards. Charcuterie products and the Texas heat do not make good partners. (BTW, this is good advice for wine touring also.)

My haul included caraway rye bread from Sol Y Luna Bakery, fresh tomatoes, a new basil plant (mine being a little, um, scrawny), fresh mozzarella from Humble House, onions, and several other items. Of course there was a caprese salad this weekend.

Hours are Wednesday from 4:00-7:00 pm, and Saturdays from 9:00 am-noon. It's the peak of the season. You really do need to go out there and have a look around!

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